Frásaí Aimsire/

Phrases about the Weather

bad weather


good weather

dea‑aimsir / aimsir mhaith

fine / excellent weather

aimsir bhreá

lovely weather

aimsir aoibhinn

windy weather

aimsir ghaofar

cloudy weather

aimsir scamallach

frosty weather

aimsir sheaca

a dry day

lá tirim

a fine day

lá breá

a sunny day

lá grianmhar

a wet day

lá fliuch

a foggy day

lá ceomhar

a close / sultry day

lá meirbh

rain / the rain

báisteach / an bháisteach

snow / the snow

sneachta / an sneachta

frost / the frost

sioc / an sioc

ice / the ice

oighear / an t‑oighear

fog / the fog

ceo / an ceo

sleet / the sleet

flichshneachta / an flichshneachta

hailstones / the hailstones

clocha sneachta / na clocha sneachta

thunder / the thunder

toirneach / an toirneach

lightning / the lightning

tintreach / an tintreach

wind / the wind / the winds

gaoth / an ghaoth / na gaotha

storm / the storm

stoirm / an stoirm

period of sunshine

tréimhsí gréine

dry periods

tréimhsí tirime

high temperature / the high temperature / the high temperatures

teocht ard /an teocht ard / na teochtaí arda

low temperature / the low temperature / low temperatures

teocht íseal / an teocht íseal / na teochtaí ísle