Ag Freastal ar Ócáid/ Attending an Event

Is this your first time attending an event like this?

An é seo do chéad uair freastal ar ócáid mar seo?

I am very glad to meet you

Tá an-áthas orm bualadh leat

It was nice meeting you

Ba dheas casadh leat

I don't understand

Ní thuigim

What did you say?

Cad a dúirt tú?

Excuse my poor Irish

Maith dom mo Ghaeilge bhriste

Can you speak more slowly?

An miste leat labhairt níos moille?

I only speak a little Irish

Níl agam ach beagáinín Gaeilge

Do you speak Irish?

An bhfuil Gaeilge agat?

I'm still a little nervous about speaking it

Tá beagán cúthaileachta orm fós faoi

bheith á labhairt

Are you interested in …..?

An bhfuil spéis agat sa …..?

Would you like to get a drink?

Ar mhaith leat deoch a fháil?

Isn’t the music fantastic?

Nach bhfuil an ceol go hiontach?

Were you ever here before?

An raibh tú riamh anseo cheana?

Where do you work?

Cén áit a n-oibríonn tusa?

Will you be at the next event?

An mbeidh tú ag an gcéad ócáid eile?